Industry Notes and Papers

We produce a range of documents for industry to communicate our research outcomes

  • Understanding the social and environmental values the community hold for Cockburn Sound

    Cockburn Sound is one of the most intensively used marine areas in Western Australia. Our study explored the community’s vision in setting long-term direction for the Sound. It found the key attributes of the Sound that most contribute to the community’s wellbeing and the priority areas for management.

  • Priorities for coastal research in Western Australia

    This is a white paper authored by a range of experts from universities, associations, business and government. It is a detailed discussion of the current state of knowledge in coastal research and the research priorities to support WA coastal management. The analysis identified a list of nine ‘Tier 1’ priorities that were voted as the most important knowledge gaps to address.

  • Estimating the economic benefits and costs of highly-protected marine protected areas

    Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are an increasingly popular management strategy to conserve marine biodiversity and ensure sustainable human use of the oceans. The paper outlines how to evaluate the economic benefits and costs of MPAs so that managers can obtain and use the best-quality economic information to guide decision making about MPAs.

  • The most cost-effective ways to maintain public open space with less water

    Local governments in Perth use groundwater to irrigate high value public open space. Due to a sustained decline in rainfall and decreasing groundwater levels, local governments face the prospect of reduced water allocations. The study explored cost-effective strategies for councils to implement to reduce water use.

  • Assessment of nonmarket benefits of WSUD for a residential development: a case study

    This case study developed and tested benefit transfer methods to generate a reasonable approximation of the dollar value of several nonmarket benefits associated with a proposed constructed wetland and living stream investment in a residential development.

  • Key insights for INFFEWS users

    INFFEWS is a comprehensive economic evaluation framework custom designed for the water industry. It is being adopted by water practitioners and governments nationwide (120+ organisations).

    The early adopters have provided some insights on their applications.

  • Building economics capacity within emergency management: tools and training for managers and practitioners

    An outline of the economic research, training and resources produced by the UWA team under the Bushfires and Natural Hazard CRC. It includes clear and succinct information on the freely available resources designed for practitioners and managers of the emergency management sector.